Breaking News!: Brett Favre’s Return to Green Bay

brettBrett Favre has released a statement on his return to Green Bay and the retirement of his jersey. The announcement, via, is as follows:

“I’m pleased to announce that I will be returning to Green Bay, Wisconsin in 2015 for induction into the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame and retirement of my jersey.

It was a tremendous honor to play 16 years for the Green Bay Packers. Now to have my name placedbrettjerseymeme among others such as Starr, Hornung, Kramer, Taylor, Lambeau, Nitschke, Lombardi, Davis, White and Hutson is a special honor that I share with all of my teammates and coaches, and that would not have been possible but for the foresight of Ron Wolf, the greatest GM In the history of the NFL.

I’m truly looking forward to celebrating and sharing this special moment with all of the great fans of the Green Bay Packers.

Go Packers!”



Breaking News!: Brett Favre’s Return to Green Bay — 41 Comments

  1. Brett, you´re always welcome !!!
    I´m glad that your number will be retired !!!
    Your one of the Best !!!


    Markus from Germany :-)

  2. I think the timing is finally right, both for Brett and for the fans, for something that was inevitable! Also, it is both earned and deserved!!

  3. People need to remember the 16 years he played for the Packers and what he did to bring this team back to life and not focus on what happened when he left. The man was not ready to quit and he was not gonna be allowed to play here so what he did should not be looked at as a bad thing. He earned every right this organization bestows upon him and then some!

  4. It is too bad that all of us who wish to attend the ceremony will not be allowed to do so. I think Brett would want all who can to be there.

  5. I’m very happy for Brett! I always enjoyed his enthusiasm for the game and his excitement while playing. He was a joy to watch. I’m very happy that he’ll be back in Green Bay; watching Vikings games to see him play was not fun!!!! Cheering for purple just seemed so wrong!
    Go Pack!

  6. Congratulations Brett… You were the best ever, and I miss you buddy. I have one your jerseys, its autographed and it is hanging in a glass case on my wall and it’s one of my most cherished possessions ever. Wishing you and your family only the very best of everything and Thank You bud for the memories! GO PACK GO!!!

  7. just great, then the week after you can go to the NY Giants where they will give you a super bowl ring that you earned for them & then on to the NO Saints where they have one waiting for the SB you gave them when with the Vikings. Hmmmm, that’s more than you got in Green Bay. I liked you better as Brett the Jet!!!

  8. Brett, do you know the date that you will be back to Green Bay to retire your #4 jersey? We spend our summers until September 10th in the Green Bay area and would love to be up there for all the celebrations. Congratulations!!! YOU DESERVE IT!!

  9. Fantastic is the first thing that comes to my mind.
    Thank you for the all the years of excitement you gave us as fans. You deserve to be in the Packer hall of fame, you were one of the best. Congratulations!!!!

  10. You deserve it Brett. You will always be my favorite player in the great game of football and of course of the great team of the Green Bay Packers.

  11. Brett, you put Green Bay on the map. Congratulations Thank you for the all the years of excitement you gave us. You deserve to be in the Packer hall of fame.

  12. Brett, I am so happy for you. It’s about time you got recognition instead of criticism. I have been a Packer fan for 40 years and when you came on the scene it just made me a bigger fan. Oh yes, I follow you on Skor too. Congratulaions my friend

  13. Brett I cried for a week when you retired!! Thank you for all those good years playing for Green Bay! Bless you stay healthy Cindy Owen

  14. You came into the Packers Team and what a difference you Made!Never a dull moment.It was exciting to watch you throw the Football.Lotz of good memories!

  15. Brett,
    Packer fans will always be grateful for your dedication to the packers , you were instrumental in getting the pack back on the football map after some tough years,

  16. You gave use some awsome years. Loved them all. hope I can be there the day they retire your jersey’hope they will tell when the big day will be

  17. hooray, finally, long over due.he played ’cause he loved the game so much, just never new when to retire.if all playerslovedit like heroes, they would always be in the Bowl

  18. Congratulations and Welcome Back!!!
    I was never even a Football fan until I started to go to the Packer Games with my 4 sons. You were Amazing to watch and got me to start liking Football! My sons were so fortunate to watch some Great games with you playing! Thank You!!!

  19. You was the best in the west or Midwest it never mattered no matter what field you were on eyes were always on you . QB that play today still watch your style of play I’m sure .you were great on the field as well as off the feild. Never went to a packer game had a chance once but gave up the ticket to my teenage son.whohad never been to a game. If there was a game left to go to it would be great to be in the stadium the day you come back and see my first packer game at the age of 49 . Love to shake your hand .gotto shake Don Makuaski hand the year you took over the pack at tack at the hall of fame in Great bay

  20. You was the best in the west or Midwest it never mattered no matter what field you were on eyes were always on you . QB that play today still watch your style of play I’m sure .you were great on the field as well as off the feild. Never went to a packer game had a chance once but gave up the ticket to my teenage son.whohad never been to a game. If there was a game left to go to it would be great to be in the stadium the day you come back and see my first packer game at the age of 49 . Love to shake your hand .gotto shake Don Makuaski hand the year you took over the pack at tack at the hall of fame in Great bay just read your coming July 18 2015 great reading said ticket are all sold out. Mmmmmmm?

  21. congrats, brett you haved earned it.belive it or not i think rogers good play is from watching you play,you are the best congrats, and cant wait to see your name at canton

  22. Congratulations Brett!!! I am not a fan of the Packers, however, I have the utmost respect for the man, the legend! I hope that someday my favorite team will win the big one before I die. You gave everything, all the time! I hated watching my team play G.B. (Still do) Because of the great team you have there. It is not nearly as much fun watching the Jags, Browns, Jets, Falcons, or any other team for that matter. I don’t have any love for the Packers, however, I do have a lot of respect for them, & I wish we could play each other every week!Brett 4ever!!!

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