Saturday Apr 16


  • CheeseheadUK
  • packerconvert01
  • jrehor
  • cal
  • kleah
  • aretina
  • GreenBay Packer Nation
  • minerboy66
  • MossyOak
  • Thecigarsoldier
  • heathdidit
  • jonax
World Champs!

About Me

Basic Information

About me
I am one of the administrators at I enjoy writing about the Packers and do a videoblog called the Atrium!

Contact Information

City / Town
Black River Falls
United States


College / University
Crossroads College/ Emmanuel School of Religion
Graduation Year
AA, BA 1995/ M-Div 2002

Recent activities

2 days ago
11:11 AM
11:04 AM
1 week ago
The clock is ticking and the draft is approaching. Whether the Packers can actually extend contracts to the new draft picks or not, it'll be exciting
Apr 08
Apr 03
Apr 03
2 weeks ago
jrehor I hate the lockout
Apr 02
jraugustine onMonday, 04 April 2011 01:20

I'm not really feeling the affect of it yet. I'll sure hate it when we have no football though.

Mar 30
baugustine World Champs!
Mar 29
jrehor likes this.
3 weeks ago
Mar 23
I don't have a problem with the new kickoff rules, but it seems a bit circular to me. First, they make the kickers use a different ball so they don't
Mar 23
4 weeks ago
jraugustine Looks like some of the NFL players are going to play a little bit of Arena Football during their unplanned time off.
Mar 18
Mar 18
jraugustine likes this.
GreenBay Packer Nation onFriday, 18 March 2011 15:29

Spread the word to all your Packer fan friends who use Twitter. Fill out the form and request to have your twitter account added to the list.

Mar 18
jraugustine onFriday, 18 March 2011 15:26

If you participate in Twitter's follow Friday, definitely add this page to your list.

GreenBay Packer Nation Some great articles on the upcoming draft by GPN's draft guy Mike Davidsen. Check 'em out.
Mar 18
Mar 18
1 month ago
GreenBay Packer Nation Sleep well Packer Nation, lock-out or no, your Packers are World Champs.
Mar 13


Monday, 16 August 2010 A Time To Rant
This one goes out to BJ Raji: "First of .....
Thursday, 05 August 2010 Some Key Factors for Training Camp
Well training camp is here and here are a few v .....
OK, I didn't get the first round pick right, bu .....


Here is a short listing of the groups that the user has registered in.
  • Friends of PackerShow
  • brett favre needs to retire
  • packers will win the super bowl next year


baugustine, Tuesday, 29 June 2010 01:48
I wonder if our expectations for this season will let us down...lot of anticipation. I think if Brett doesn't come back to the 'Queens, we're a shoe-in. If he does, we will still have to prove ourselves against them or watch them self-destruct from home once again. I think we have a very good chance of splitting that series and having a shot at the title either way. But I will be skeptical until we prove it against them.
jrehor, Monday, 24 May 2010 19:10
I read your comment on Mike's post re: Mike Neal, and REALLY hope you're right about him. :)
jraugustine, Thursday, 29 April 2010 19:21
I watched a video today of a bunch of Packer fans who were actually livid about the Bulaga selection. I couldn't believe it. That selection made a ton of sense to me... and to the rest of Packer Nation. I guess those guys will come around when Aaron is better protected and Bryan is flattening LBs in the second level.
baugustine, Saturday, 17 April 2010 05:58
Fairly confident this years deep draft is gonna land us some DB depth, an extra pass rusher and lineman to boot! What will the surprise be this year?
jraugustine, Wednesday, 07 April 2010 21:15
The new layout for The Cheese is done. You can check it out at I'm also nearly done with the new layout for The Atrium, Brady's video podcast. I'll let you know when that's ready.
jraugustine, Wednesday, 17 March 2010 12:01
How's that special GPN Cheese recipe coming along. Can't wait until everyone gets to see it. Hilarious!
baugustine, Monday, 22 February 2010 13:45
Hey watch out for me! I am climbing the activities ladder...too bad I work here, I can't win any prizes!
baugustine, Monday, 22 February 2010 13:44
I have a feeling we will pick up one, maybe two valuable free agents this offseason. The way I see it, our team can't look the same as last year because we won't be able/want to keep all the free agents. I hope I'm wrong but I am excited that our core is so good.
jraugustine, Monday, 15 February 2010 21:28
Can't wait until Aretina gets rocking on the site! Going to be awesome.
jraugustine, Tuesday, 09 February 2010 14:07
I see you changed your location on your profile. Now "Friend's Location" says... "He's not in Kansas anymore." lol

Friend's Location

My Articles

Thursday, 14 April 2011 10:53

Wednesday, 30 March 2011 11:22

Monday, 07 February 2011 17:13

Sunday, 06 February 2011 09:00

Saturday, 05 February 2011 11:27

Thursday, 03 February 2011 08:29

Sunday, 30 January 2011 18:43

Friday, 28 January 2011 09:43

Wednesday, 26 January 2011 09:05

Saturday, 11 September 2010 15:01

My twitter updates

Twitter access is not allowed yet.
NFL Draft 28.04.2011 19:30 12 Days