Not Sure What To Think Of This Incident Involving Marshawn Lynch…

imagesVideo has surfaced apparently showing Marshawn Lynch involved in a fight outside a San Francisco bar after a 49’ers fan called him a “Seattle Sea Chicken”. Even though it is not technically “Packer” news, it reminds me of all the anger that I have toward the Seahawks. And makes me really not sure of what I think of this video. Marshawn (if it is even him) seems to be trying to break up the fight…

Of course, this is a bar scene and we all know what happens there…people say things. And (other than on The Cheese humor site, which is ALL snark ALL the time), as a fan, I don’t usually call names…except maybe right in the heat of the moment.

So anyway, here is the video, I am interested to hear what you think!


Not Sure What To Think Of This Incident Involving Marshawn Lynch… — 1 Comment

  1. Don’t be angry at Seattle, Pack did not perform the last 4 plus minutes. We lost it, they did not win it. Anyway, as I travel around the country, more than one area calls them the Sea Chickens. Fighting words? No, but add alcohol, and doesn’t matter where you are or the words said. Its gonna happen.

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