OK Packernation…Should the Packers Give LeTroy Guion a Second Chance?

LetroyThe criminal case against Green Bay Packers free-agent nose tackle Letroy Guion was closed yesterday and LeTroy is now aiming to continue his NFL career.

“The case was settled. Case closed,” Guion’s attorney Seth Katz said. “Letroy’s relieved at this point. He’s relieved it’s behind him and he can focus on getting back to football.”

Guion was pulled over with 357 grams of marijuana, a registered gun and $190,028.81 in cash. Guion has maintained the cash came from football.

LeTroy pleaded out Tuesday and paid a $5,000 fine, as a first-time offender the charges were dismissed. While the charges were dropped, the NFL could still hit Guion with a penalty or suspension.

Reports say that Guion and the Packers have been in constant communication throughout the process and that Guion wishes to return to Green Bay, but what do you think Packernation?

Should the Packers give Guion a second chance or is he too much of a risk? Click below to let Packernation know what you think!




OK Packernation…Should the Packers Give LeTroy Guion a Second Chance?
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4 thoughts on “OK Packernation…Should the Packers Give LeTroy Guion a Second Chance?

  • March 25, 2015 at 3:27 pm

    Letroy should show his sincerity as to how he plans to represent us off the field.

  • March 25, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    Why shouldn’t he get a second chance? George HW Bush ran narcotics distribution networks out of the White House with Oliver North. He hasn’t been made to suffer or stop political pandering. Clinton smoked pot and allowed Mena, AR to be a distribution hub for GHWB’s dope dealing. Billions were laundered with his knowledge and consent. Trillions of dollars went missing under GW Bush and he got two terms as President, and Obama smoked all sort of things and recently lost $500 million dollars worth of military equipment in Yemen. I say we give this guy a second chance.

    • March 25, 2015 at 6:15 pm

      Mary needs medicatuon to help deal with her numerous conspiracy theories…must be close friends with Jessie Ventura.Green Bay is a special place for special players…this aint Oakland..i say no to drugs and guns..trade/release him

  • March 25, 2015 at 8:24 pm

    It depends on his attitude. Has he privately complained to ppl about getting caught, the judge or prosecuter? Or has he genuinely accepted the court’s decisions & its costs for him. Suspect by now, his agent & others have told him what it may mean for his NFL career, which would likely humble a guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if NFL teams employ private investigators for this kind of thing, rather than just relying on what a player & his agent say about learning from his mistakes & promising to better represent the team, etc.

    Personally, I hope he’s displayed a genuine humility in learning from this, & I hope that GB resigns him, but also recognize that TT & MM may have some inside info that’s not been made public.


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