Post-Game Rants and Raves

Okay coach sign me up I am on board now with this defense being the real deal. They held Chip 2014 PackersKelly’s high powered no huddle offense to 2 field goals until there were two minutes left in the third quarter when they finally found the end zone, By that time though Aaron Rodgers and the offense had pretty much locked up the game with a 53-20 win plucking the Eagles. The defense held McCoy to 88 yds. and Sproles to 21. The only thing the Eagles can sink their talons into about this game was Jordan Matthews had 5 receptions for 107 yds. but other than that the Packers defense owned them for sixty minutes.

The Packers scored a TD on Offense/Defense and Special teams for the first time since 2010. Could this be a sign? As we all know that was the year the Packers went all the way and won the big one. What I do know for sure is if this team can make the playoffs and their opponents have to come through Lambeau, they will be hard to beat.
Aaron Rodgers seems to have this offense hitting on all cylinders right now, As long as he stays upright I don’t see any team stopping his air assault, “He is just that good”  With 313 attempts and 209 completions this year and only 3 interceptions he is proving the MVP is his to lose this year.
Aaron Rodgers TD PercentageJordy Nelson is also having a stellar year with 69 receptions 998 yards and 9 TD’s. At the very least he should make the pro bowl this year and could even be considered as a MVP candidate this year as well. I know Rodgers is the best but without Nelson making outstanding plays on the other end of his tosses his stats might not look as good.
I guess the one thing I can rant about this game is the coverage on PAT’s and Punt’s with each having one blocked, Crosby also missed a field goal and in a close game those points could make the difference between a win or loss! This is an area I bet McCarthy addresses this week in practice.
I could go on forever about what impressed me about this game but the bottom line is if the Packers can continue to play at this level at home and even at 90% on the road it could be a year for the record books. It seems like every week they add another record as it is.
Let me know your thought about this game and what you expect from the team going forward.
Go Pack!
Post-Game Rants and Raves
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6 thoughts on “Post-Game Rants and Raves

  • November 18, 2014 at 5:30 pm

    I really can’t see anyone in the NFC that can stop the Packers right now. As long as we stay healthy and keep playing our game. Can’t wait for the Patriots game. When we win that one will we finally get respect from everyone?

    • November 18, 2014 at 6:09 pm

      That one is a big game Bonnie as was this one I believe we win for the simple reason it is in Lambeau, The one I am worried about is Buffalo that one is away and they are a cold weather team as well and play very well at home. With winning this last game which I did pick for the packers to lose at the beginning of the year I see them going at least 12-4 now at could finish undefeated at 13-3 “Crosses fingers and knocks on wood ” :)

  • November 18, 2014 at 11:23 pm

    I am going to be there for the Patriots game, so I sure as heck hope we win!! I could not believe how scary good we were this week. It gave me chills. Don’t want to get too far ahead, there’s still a lot of games to play, but I agree. If we beat the Patriots in November, I think that will be an excellent motivator for the guys and I think they should blast through the schedule knowing they can beat anyone.
    p.s. – Hiya, Bonnie! Go Pack Go!

  • November 19, 2014 at 5:38 am

    While this was a dominating performance until late, I wasn’t surprised. Sanchez was not much of a challenge, McCoy has struggled all year, and the Philly secondary has problems. Without Foles and their ST scoring, Philly is a very average team. Just wish we’d finish games stronger – but hard to do when half our starters are on the bench.

    This is only 1 win in a row, so hard for me to get too excited about it. Our D was exposed all game long in NO. The Saints have lost 2 games in a row at home (49ers and Bengals), so I’m not buying into them having a huge home field advantage. That loss was on our D not being able to get pressure on Brees, not stopping his receiver, and being run over by a slightly above average run game. So which Packers D takes the field for each of our remaining games – Jekyll or Hyde?

    There’s not a team in the NFL today who can be taken lightly for any game. We’ll need to continue improving, avoid injuries, and become more consistent to make and advance in the playoffs. I’ve never questioned our ability, it’s our consistency which concerns me. Go Pack go! :)

    • November 19, 2014 at 5:41 am

      And for the record, I see every game as 1 win or 1 loss in a row. I hadn’t forgotten about how we dismantled the struggling Bears. 😉

    • November 19, 2014 at 4:00 pm

      Well David while I agree that they blew it in N.O. since then with the move of Matthews inside their run game has got better so I don’t think the Saints would have run against this new look the Packers have now…One thing good that came out of that game is it made Capers get more creative with the defense and so far it has worked well.


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