Prognosticate, Predict…And Win $100 At the Packer Pro Shop!

Well, the season is almost upon us and with it a clash between the Packers and the Seahawks to kick real12thmanoff this NFL year. What better way to kick off the season than with a win against the reigning Super Bowl Champions and a team that has truly gotten under the craw of Packers fans since the “Fail Marry” game in 2012.

Today is the day for predictions and if you didn’t get a chance to read Mike’s predictions, check ’em out here. For my part, what follows is my own shot at predictions, but more importantly, YOUR chance at predictions. This year’s prediction contest winner will win a GPN gift pack which includes a $100.00 gift certificate to the Packers Pro Shop! Read on to find out how to enter:

There are two assumptions I am going to make in my predictions. I think they are safe:

  1. The Packers will not have as many crucial injuries as last season
  2. The Packers defense will be improved

I think the Packers will take care of business tonight and I don’t see the Carolina Panthers, though they are a great defensive team, scoring enough points to beat the Pack. Add to that a loss at the Saints and two losses to NFC North teams (I know…I know!), one of which will be the last game of the season against the Lions simply because it will be the first season finale that will be irrelevant since the NFL started matching up Division rivals for the last game of the season.

sbPackers go 12-4 with a little rest to the weary in the season finale. This “second bye” will give the Pack a chance to roll into the playoffs in much better shape than they did even in 2010 when they won the Super Bowl. The winner of the NFC, in my opinion, wins the Super Bowl this year and I am just gonna go ahead and predict that the Packers take it all.

Packers – Super Bowl Champs! I just don’t think Seattle is going to do it again (though I am the only one if the national media is counted) and though I think the NFC will be a tough row to hoe for the Packers, if they stay healthier and the defense improves, we have as good a chance as anyone. And Mike McCarthy will have this team ready for every game.


OK…so those are my thoughts. What are your predictions? Fill out the form below with your predictions. All you have to do is click away! You will be entered once for EACH correct prediction into a drawing for a gift pack from GPN that includes a $100.00 gift card to the Packers Pro Shop! So fill out the form completely to maximize your chances to win and don’t forget…the form scrolls within the website. Be sure to click the “submit” button and you are ENTERED! The form will close on kickoff so DO IT NOW!

Prognosticate, Predict…And Win $100 At the Packer Pro Shop!
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9 thoughts on “Prognosticate, Predict…And Win $100 At the Packer Pro Shop!

  • September 4, 2014 at 7:03 pm

    Go green bay!!

    • September 20, 2015 at 6:42 pm

      Go pack go!!!! I love my packers!!! I am with my packers all the way so I will be watching for a WIN!!! I live and breath the packers!!!

  • September 4, 2014 at 8:47 pm

    PACKERS all the way!!!! GO PACK!!!!

  • September 4, 2014 at 8:58 pm

    Go Pack!! Beat the Seachickens!!

  • September 4, 2014 at 9:15 pm

    Take it all pack

  • September 5, 2014 at 12:29 am

    It’s going to be a big year!!!

  • January 16, 2015 at 2:15 am

    Packers all the way


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