Best Brett Favre Moments Part 3: The 2007 Season

Wow! what a year 2007 was for the Packers and Brett Favre. Just found this vid that does a good job encapsulating the year. Check it out and give a sub if you like it!


Best Brett Favre Moments Part 3: The 2007 Season — 4 Comments

  1. Loved Loved Loved watching the man play ball he was a true warrior of the game and we as fans were lucky to have him for 17 years!

  2. I just love the Packers, and Brett made them even more fun to watch. He really looked like he was having a great time out there. He also was a great player of course.

  3. The vid was a good review of favre’s great ’07 season, which was his best season in a decade. He likely would have been MVP if another team w/ an elite qb had not gone 17-0. Of course, not mentioned in the vid, is that he changed his mind on retirement, forcing GB thru that whole divorce-debacle.

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