We Remember You Part 2: Brett Favre

BrettIf, as hoped, three great Packers quarterbacks will be on the field today, this will be so much more than a game. On this special day, this Thanksgiving Day, we have much to be thankful for. Packernation will see, front and center, how thankful we should be for three great quarterbacks, all of whom have led the team to championships. I will be writing about them in three parts today.

Part 2 is about Brett Favre, and if I had all day I don’t think I could compile all the memories all the experiences – some good, some bad…all passionate that make Brett Favre great. 

I was fortunate enough to have a quote of mine published in Tom Kertsher’s excellent third edition of “Brett Favre: A Packer Fan’s Tribute” in which I described my favorite Favre moment. It was the touchdown pass to Andre Rison in Super Bowl XXXI. Brett Favre took his helmet off (which was legal at the time), and ran off the field like a kid. This is how Favre played the game and it is so good when players like that have their jerseys retired and hung in the ring of honor forever.

There are so many plays…so many moments…so many experiences that are unforgettable. Where to begin?

Maybe I should begin with the way you stepped into the spotlight against the Cincinnati Bengals and led the team to victory when Don Majkowski got hurt.

Maybe it was when you confessed your addiction to Vicodin and made the transition from a child to a man (in my opinion), doing what you needed to do and winning back the trust of those closest to you.

Maybe it was all the comeback wins, maybe it was the way you looked DB’s in the eye and then threw right at them. Maybe it was all the times you played hurt. Maybe it was the time you played when you were hurt more than ever…just after your Father died. You just refused to give up…and you lived up to your Father’s expectation that you play the game. He is proud…no doubt… he is proud.

Quarterbacks are known to be pansies…you were an Ironman. Quarterbacks are known to hate taking shots…you dished them out. Quarterbacks are known for being calm, collected, and cerebral and while you were as football smart as anyone in the business, you were known for your heart more than your head. Somehow…you seemed like one of us, just one of the guys…you just happened to be one of the guys who could throw rocket-balls into 8 inch windows and make the best DB’s look stupid while still loving you.

Brett, you are special and you will never be forgotten. We are glad and proud to have you back and look forward to your first ballot enshrinement in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. But maybe a few more memories:

  1. “Either these helmets are getting smaller or my head is getting bigger…SHUT UP!”
  2. Touchdown Antonio Freeman – off the body, from the ground
  4. “A monumental milestone in a legendary career!”
  5. “Well, I knew my Dad would want me to play and…um, you know I love him so much and love this game, it’s meant a great deal to me and to my Dad and to my family and…and uh, I didn’t expect this type of performance but…I know he was watching tonight.”
  6. “I know I can still play, I’m just not sure I want to any more.”
  7. “I could sit here and tell you ‘Thank you’ til tomorrow…and it wouldn’t be enough”

Brett…of the thousands of players who have played for the Green Bay Packers…of the 23 players (soon to be 24 when you are inducted) who are in the Hall of Fame…only six (Paul Hornung’s #5 was unofficially retired and has not been hung) have had their jerseys retired. You are the best of the best of the BEST! We love you Brett Favre and you will never be forgotten by Packers fans. We are so thankful to call you one of our own Packers legend…Brett Favre. Favre 4 Ever!

Please place below your memories of Brett Favre either on the field or personally. You can comment in the comments section below or back on the Facebook Fanpage.

Go Pack!

We Remember You Part 2: Brett Favre
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8 thoughts on “We Remember You Part 2: Brett Favre

  • November 26, 2015 at 6:37 pm

    I will never forget the look on Brett Favre’s face as he threw the snow ball at the referee. Classic Favre. Just a kid playing the game!!!! Love you Brett!!! Thanks for the memories!!!

    • November 26, 2015 at 7:43 pm

      Oh, what a GREAT memory! Yes, that is priceless Vincent, thanks for sharing!

  • November 26, 2015 at 7:23 pm

    I grew up watching Favre and he is the reason I love the game! He started his consecutive starts streak on my 4th birthday! I saw him play many times, once in Green Bag. Being from NC that was a big deal for me. No doubt in my mind he is one of the top 5 to ever play the game! Can’t wait to be in Canton in August! #Favre4Ever

      • November 26, 2015 at 7:44 pm

        Wow! That is incredible that his first start was on your 4th birthday! Awesome! 😀

  • November 26, 2015 at 7:35 pm

    Diving into the end zone with 13 seconds left at County Stadium to beat Atlanta.

  • November 27, 2015 at 12:16 pm

    Not just a great quarterback, but a football player! I think it was against SF, Favre scrambled back into the end zone to avoid a sack, as he is running forward again, he fires a bullet to a crossing receiver. The receiver runs several yards, then stops and reverses field. Farve, still trotting forward after the pass, accelerates to get head of the receiver and throws a block, cutting down a linebacker and allowing the receiver to get 5 more yards. A FOOTBALL PLAYER!!!! Also the times he would get into defensive lineman’s faces (Warren Sapp especially!)

    • November 27, 2015 at 12:20 pm

      And i just recalled that the play was when he was viking. But still shows his love of the game!!


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